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7th Grade

Independent Social Studies Project

***Students will receive directions and dues dates for this project during the first week of school.***

  1. Social Studies 101 and Feudalism

  2. The 3 R's: Renaissance, Reformation, & Scientific Revolution

  3. Age of Exploration and Global Exchange

  4. Enlightenment & Revolution

  5. Industrial Revolution and Society's Response

  6. Age of Imperialism &WWI

  7. Boom, Bust, BANG!

  8. Cold War

  9. New World Order

  10. Intro to Personal Finance

  11. Review 

Below are the SS Topics that will be covered for my students.  Please note that each grade level has different set of topics.  Some topics for 7th and 8th do overlap; however those overlapping topics will be examined from two different perspectives. 

8th Grade

Independent Social Studies Project

***Students will receive directions and dues dates for this project during the first week of school.***

  1. US/NC Geography and S.S. 101

  2. Native Americans, Colonization, and Settlement

  3.  Revolution and New Nation

  4. Expansion and Reform

  5. Civil war and Reconstructions

  6.  Industrialization and Its Impact

  7.  WWI and Great Depression

  8. WWII and Origins of the Cold War

  9. Post War US and The Civil Rights Movement

  10. Contemporary US

  11. Personal Financial Literacy

  12. Review

Vocabulary Development Directions:

In Class: On Thursday you will write the words on the board down in your Weekly Vocab Notebooks and the following Thursday we test our knowledge. 

At Home: See directions below for each night.

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